Moving On

Automotive events are built on dozens of facets.  They come together like a pyramid.  The foundation is full of a team of dedicated people and a set of goals that may form the upper levels.  Those levels go from choosing and working with the facility to working with sponsors to promoting the event to the magic of event day.  There’s so much to fill that pyramid that there’s not enough space on the page to mention them all.  It’s just like running a business or a family.  There’s so much…and then there are the inevitable surprises that add even more. 

Sadly, sometimes a surprise can also topple the pyramid.  This week, I learned that Chesapeake Concours has been cancelled. There has been an injunction against all events at The Winery at Elk Manor since incoming vehicles limit access to an adjacent property.  On past event days, we traveled to the end of the Rivers Edge Road in North East, Maryland to reach our destination.  This week, the the build-up that started back in 2014 has reached the end of the road.

Thank you to the good people behind the creative, administrative and volunteer processes over the years.  After just 3 gatherings of Horsepower at Elk Manor and 1 gathering of Chesapeake Concours, it is time to close the book.  Oh, the stories that were written. 

Onto more positive news, please add Saturday, October 15 to your schedule for our Special Gathering for Toys For Tots!  This will be the 4th installment.  It’s amazing to think that this partnership started all the way back in 2013. Last year, the Marines came out in full force to assist our donation efforts.  Our community responded with inspiring energy.  Hundreds of gifts arrived through the morning hours.  Beautiful memories were made.  Let’s bring more smiles to disadvantaged children throughout Baltimore County.  Be sure to check for more information.  

In the near term, this Saturday brings us to a historic streak.  Cal Ripken would be proud.  While we have had some sweltering mornings, we have remained dry for 9 in a row and the forecast says, “Make it 10!”  Dress for summer, wear the sunscreen and stay hydrated.  Maybe even join us for our Adopt-A-Road volunteer session after the gathering.  Stay cool.  See you down the road!